Dog Training

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Dog Training ImageTraining your dog is a never ending process, there is always room for improvement and always new things to learn. We like to take a simplified approach to dog training by making it sustainable and personalized to each individual dog and client. Our training style encompasses a variety of methods so we are able to tailor a training plan that is inspiring, simple and comfortable for you and your dog long term. We are ready to help you with all of your training needs starting from basic puppy obedience all the way to behavioral modification and anything in between.

Training Services


In-home basic obedience

We focus on name recognition, sit, stay,recall, boundary work, leash nammers, door manners and socialization. Our trainer will come to you and work within your home.


In-home behavioral modification

Behavior modification dives a bit deeper into the psychology of a dog and addresses unwanted behaviors and why they might be happening. This includes working with issues of aggression, reactivity, fears and anxieties.


Board and Train program

Your dog will get ample time with our trainer working towards desired goals while they spend a few weeks with us. We will then work in person with you after their stay to transfer all of the great behaviors your pup has learned with us back into the home with you.


Pet Sitting and Training

For dogs who are unable to board with us and struggle with behaviors that are specific to their home life and environment with a high level of aggressive and reactive behaviors


Training at daycare

If your pup frequents daycare and you would like for them to get a little refresher on some basic obedience training we can make that happen! This allows our trainer some one on one time with your dog during the day to sharpen up some basic obedience.

Contact us for pricing on all training services